
Hybrid Board Meetings

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As the pandemic is fading and vaccines are now widely available, a lot of organizations are reverting back to face-toface fundraising. The pandemic has also caused many boards to rethink meeting formats to ensure that board member can remain connected and secure while maintaining momentum. One approach is to utilize hybrid board meetings that allows a part of the board to meet in person and another portion to participate remotely. This method can be successful at building engagement and reducing costs while allowing the flexibility required for a modern nonprofit organization.

To ensure that your hybrid board meetings are productive, it is important to plan ahead and adhere to best practices. Start by defining your goals for your meeting, then determining the logistics of your meeting. This includes the location and equipment required. It is best to select an event space that can accommodate the attendees in person. It should also be equipped with the audio-visual technology required to accommodate remote participants. It is also essential to select the appropriate virtual meeting software. The solution should be simple to use and come with a high-quality feature for video conferencing that permits participants to view each other and the meeting documents simultaneously.

It is also important to share the agenda and board packs well in advance. This will help you save time that would otherwise be spent trying to get remote and in-person attendees on the same page. It will also help you to ensure the focus is maintained during your meetings and ensure that all pertinent issues are addressed.

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