
How to Exchange Important and Sensitive Documents

Modern business relies heavily on sharing of sensitive and important documents. Remote working is becoming the norm and the ability to transfer documents quickly and efficiently is essential to productivity and efficiency. But, with cyber attacks and data breaches on the rise it’s increasingly important to be more efficient in how you transmit sensitive data to avoid it from being stolen by a third party.

Sensitive information can include personal data like bank details or health records as well as information about addresses. Confidential data includes the policy documents of an organization along with innovation secrets and future plans.

No matter if you work in the private or public sector, safeguarding your confidential documents is crucial. Typically, these kinds of documents are sent by post or email, which are not always the most secure options. Email is not always encrypted which makes it susceptible to spies and spammers. They can snoop on the message to gain access to sensitive and confidential information. The posting of files isn’t an extremely secure choice, as they are susceptible to being intercepted or lost in transit.

The best method to safeguard your files is to use a secure online document exchange site, like WeTransfer or Dropbox. This kind of software has encryption technology, which safeguards files both whilst they are being transferred and also after they have been received. It can also be used to monitor and audit files to determine who has access to the file, when it was uploaded, and the method by which it was downloaded or uploaded. This will help you stay in compliance with any applicable regulations and avoid the penalties that can result from the event of a data breach.

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